Friday, June 19, 2009

It's definitely a boy!

So our new bean is definitely a boy! :) The slight disappointment is fading and has made way to a lot of excitement. I am thrilled for Aiden to have a little brother so close in age. Plus, I love Aiden to death, and any other babies we make will just have to be as amazing as he is. I can't wait to meet this new little guy!


Baby feet!


and I'm growing a bump!

The ultrasound was great and the new little bean looks very healthy. The anatomy scan went perfectly, though bean is a little on the small side. Aiden was small, too, though, so I'm trying not to worry about that. We're currently awaiting the results of the Quad Screen. Hopefully we won't have any issues with that this time. If you can keep the bean in your prayers, we'd appreciate it!

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